Order for Protection/TRO
What is an Order for Protection or Temporary Restraining Order (TRO)?
An Order for Protection, commonly referred to as a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) is a court order that prevents the respondent from contacting or coming within 100 feet of the petitioner. After a petitioner completes a Petition for An Order for Protection, if it is granted by the judge, they are granted a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO). This TRO will go into effect once the respondent is served and stays in place until there is an Order to Show Cause court hearing. Upon the court hearing, typically within 15 days of the TRO being granted, the judge will make a determination if there should be a longer order of protection.
The judge will make the determination based on the following:
the abuser did not “show cause” (prove) why the order should be discontinued;
and the order for protection is necessary to prevent domestic abuse from happening or from reoccurring.
Who is eligible for an Order for Protection?
Anyone who has experienced domestic violence by a family member or a household member can file for an Order for Protection against them. A family member or household member includes:
A current or former dating partner (including same sex relationships)
A current or former spouse
Someone you have a child with
A parent
A child
Someone related to you by blood or marriage
Someone you live/lived with (excluding roommates for economic reasons)
If you are a minor (under 18) a family member, household member, or state agency may file on your behalf. If you are filing against a minor, you will need to provide the names of the minor’s parents or guardians.
How Do I file for an Order for Protection?
To file for an Order for Protection you will need to complete a Petition for an Order of Protection form. To do this you can go to Family Court and fill out the forms or complete them in advance and bring them to the court.
*If you would like your contact information to remain confidential please write “confidential” in the box asking for your name, address, and phone number.
For more information about filing please visit the Family Court Website or Women’sLaw.org
To speak to someone about your TRO contact the Family Court directly:
Oahu – (808) 538-5959
Maui – (808) 244-2706
Hawaii – (808) 969-7798
Kauai – (808) 482-2330
Call hours: 7:45 a.m. through 4:15 p.m., Monday through Friday, except for holidays.