Equality Wheels


The Equality Wheel displays the variety of traits we can have in healthy dating relationships.
These traits can also be found within platonic or familial relationships, with the main goal being that
all people deserve to be treated fairly and equally. Each relationship may look and feel different,
but everyone needs to have their own control and power, and to feel safe and respected.

Click each wheel below to download a
PDF version of that Equality Wheel.


This is an updated and simplified version of the equality wheel. It is meant to highlight various healthy qualities of relationships, and can be used as a conversation starter with teens and other young people. Click the wheel to download a PDF version of this equality wheel.

This is an updated and simplified version of the equality wheel, featuring images that represent each healthy quality. This version of the equality wheel can be used as a conversation starter with teens and other young people, especially for those less familiar with the terminology. Click the wheel to download a PDF version of this equality wheel.

This is an older version of the Equality wheel, created by TAP808 to highlight the many traits included in a healthy relationship. This version features a detailed breakdown of each category, and can be used to describe each heading more accurately. Click the wheel to download a PDF version of this equality wheel.